Thursday, April 15, 2010

Pictures Of What Spring Should Be

On our way to the playground.  We live less than
5 minutes from an elementary school.  That is if you drive.
If you have 4 kids and a busy time of day, it's takes about
forever to get there!!

Jeven doing....Jeven-ness stuff.

Jarrett looking all handsome and stuff. 

Concentrating on the "ringy things". His little chicken arms hold him up quite well!

Happy Spring!!  


  1. They're all adorable.

    So were you visiting the playground during a weekend or was there just no school or???

  2. Ami, we went after school. Since it is so close to our house, we can be there by 3:30 so not to interfere with the school kids.

  3. They are sooooo cute! Enjoy them now because you're going to turn around twice and they're going to be old enough to drive a car.

    I'm done teaching kids how to drive a car. Once was enough.



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