Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Clever Post Title Goes HERE

Seems like I do these type of posts often. You know, the " I've been busy doing _____" posts. But. I have been busy. No foolin'.

We are on the downward slide of the school year.  And, being the "totally with it" mom that I am, we are scrambling to get done on time. Which means lots of yelling  teaching, begging  time management, and bribing  rewarding for a job well done.

I would honestly have to say, the worst thing about home schooling, for me at least, is how much time it takes. When I have other things to do. But, since I'm being honest, some of that stress could be avoided if I was better at the a fore mentioned time management.

We've being playing soccer. In the ever lovin', constant down pour that is Oregon. Here, most sports are played rain or shine. But, Josie likes it and it gets some energy out of her system. And, it's nice to put her pushing/shoving/kicking to good use.
We had her "end of the season" pizza party two nights ago. Where she wrote down a phone number of a friend on a napkin. Which, of course, I threw away. I managed to put off letting her call the friend for 2 days, saying "Not right now. I'm sure they aren't home." Or "No, we have to leave in a few minutes" Or "Our phone doesn't dial those numbers." But, she's on to me.
I confessed.
She cried.
I typed the girl's last name into facebook, thinking maybe her mom had a page. I found an older woman with the same last name, and we have a friend in common!  So, message to common friend sent. We will see what happens. My luck, we will get the phone number, Josie will call, and a play date invitation will be issued. Then, the whole "we don't let you go to anyone's house we don't know REALLY well" card will have to be played. Then, there will be more crying.
But, one crisis at a time, I always say.

The little boys started T-ball this week as well. Jarrett loves, LOVES to run (ran almost 6 miles in an hour for the jog-a-thon) but doesn't have much hitting power. Jeven, hates, HATES (even asked "Is there any sport I can do that I don't have to run?") to run but has more power behind his hitting. Together, they will make one great player!

My husband and I celebrated our 14th wedding anniversary! Yay us!  Looking through our wedding album, it's like we're looking at two different people. We were so young and didn't have a clue. Now that we're older, we still don't have a clue. But, we're having a blast figuring it out as we go. ( :

I've missed blogging, posts run through my mind all the time. But, getting them on here, that's another story. But, don't give up on me!  Eventually, my life will slow down. Right?  WHAT?!! It won't?

Well. Back to the time management thing. I will just have to manage to find the time to blog.  I will do it. Pinkie swear.

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