Friday, November 20, 2009

Working Out, They Do

A couple days ago, I posted THIS.

These clothes have been on craigslist for so long, I forgot about them

I got a phone call at 8:30 this morning, asking if I still had them.  I said I did.  She asked if I could email her pictures.  Of. Every. Item. 

We're talking over 30 pieces of clothing. 

So, I spent the day laying out the clothes and taking pictures (I did have pictures in the original ad but just as a group) and I emailed her.  Thinking I wouldn't hear from her again.

I was wrong.  She said she'd take them. 


We met across town at Toysrus.  She paid me the $30.  We walked into Toysrus and purchased Josie's main Christmas gift, a bike, for $36. 

Basically, I'm looking at it as we paid $6 for a brand new bike! 

Things always have a way of working out, they do.  Says Yoda. 

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